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Redfall will be out on a variety of platforms in about 12 hours, and Arkane & Bethesda has published a handy accessibility guide for folks who might need a little extra to make the game playable to them.

Publishing something like this early is exceptionally good karma in my book, and this guide actually goes beyond what’s in the accessibility menu itself.

Control toggles make a showing here, which is the most important option for myself; I personally have a hard time with gripping and holding actions for extended periods, so being able to toggle sprinting, aiming and crouching (ESPECIALLY crouching) is critical to making a game playable for me.

The only question I have at this time is this: Can we pause the game if we’re playing solo? Given that Redfall is designed with coop in mind, it’s not an unreasonable question.

Still, it won’t be long to find out!