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So, when Redfall was touted as a coop open world shooter, I was “eh”. Typically, games designed for coop have bad single player experiences.. And almost no solid stealth experiences (Breakpoint aside).

Apparently I was mistaken.. Or was I?

The messaging I keep reading is that playing solo is absolutely something the game was designed for. You just have to approach Redfall more stealthily, as an exploration game.

That’s where you’re confusing me: An exploration game? So the game transforms into something completely different if you don’t play with people? You can’t actually hunt vampires?

IGN’s article has a lot of info here. What is missing is that they talk about things going “off the rails” in coop, but they make no point to talk about handling that when it happens in single player.

While they discuss all the important bits of stealth mechanics – Sightlines, noise and etc – They talk about completing an optional objective that doesn’t require killing.

Along the way, stealth is useful for that. It helps you avoid encounters so you can get to where you intend to go.โ€

I just don’t know what to think here.

Can a single player gamer enjoy the same game that coop gamers do, or not?

Let’s hope we get some more info soon.